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Philipp Bayer

“To my surprise, my Sifu sat next to Ip Man! I then realised who this humble man, carrying the common family name Wong, really was. He’d change my life forever!”
John Wong Hong Chung

“Dad had been fond of martial arts ever since he was a child, and he always liked to watch other people’s challenge fights.”
Rolf Clausnitzer

“When we met at the airport, it was as if nothing had changed after 24 years! Smiles and a mutually powerful hug pretty much said it all.”
Tom Conba

“Sifu knew I had a problem with movement, but this didn’t matter with his way of Ving Tsun. To him, it was a fluid art, and your only restrictions were in your mind.”
Ernest Hoefler

“Wong Sifu fought an Australian fencing master. This man is even said to have been on the Olympic team. Yet again, Sifu won.”
Victor Koo

“Unlike many who just want to learn how to fight or practise Chi Sau, through Sifu‘s teachings we came to understand the importance of the forms.”
Gary Lam

“When Wong Sifu was training, he was always very inquisitive and always asked questions. Sometimes he would bait Ip Man by questioning his methods.”
Johnny Tam Yuk Lam

“Sifu‘s greatness stemmed from his personality. When he encountered difficulties, he’d actively face and overcome them.”
Ron Lee

“One of the first things Wong Shun Leung told me was to not call him Sifu. He said it made him feel old, and it put him on a different level from his students.”
Wan Kam Leung

“Sometimes training with Sifu was a wake-up call to get back to training and improve considerably, but it was also a source of inspiration for everyone.”
Lewis Luk

“WSLVT is the starting point. We need to learn from what Wong Sifu taught us. After that, one must liberate from the rules, restrictions and forms.”
Chan Kim Man

“Sifu always stressed that you have to improve your Ving Tsun, so as society is changing, so should your Gung Fu.”
Wu Chun Nam

“I was never able to see Sifu move. He was too fast! All I saw was the opponent dropping to the ground, bleeding. It was always over in seconds!”
Philip Ng

“Sifu was a kind and humorous man. He had love in his heart for all people, but he was a sceptic that took nothing at face value.”
Rusper Patel

“Wong Sifu was relaxed and fun to be around – he didn’t take himself too seriously in day-to-day classes.”
David Peterson

“I think Wong Sifu‘s greatest and most important contribution to Ving Tsun was to remove the bullshit and to keep things both honest and real.”
Clive Potter

“Sifu was one of those people who, if you looked him in the eyes, you could tell he wasn’t a person to be messed with.”
Attilio Reale

“In no case was Wong Sifu an exceptional fighter just because he had killer instinct – it was because he had a fighter’s heart who took great joy in combat.”
John Smith

“Sifu had little time for those who wanted to engage in a futile discussion if there was an easier way to develop a fighting skill set.”
Jack Tsoi

“If your hand techniques weren’t excellent, Sifu wouldn’t teach you the Baat Jaam Do because they are an extension of the hands.”
Enzo Verratti

“Sifu understood that to beat your opponent you had to hit him consistently, and he wasn’t afraid to hit or be hit.”
Ivan Wong

“Wong Sifu‘s understanding of fighting is that it’s a fight for life and death. If you’re not serious about it, you will definitely not be the victor.”
Mark Wong

“Wong Sifu would never yell or lose his temper with any of the students, nor did he ever need to do so because everyone in the room respected him.”
Cliff Au Yeung

“It was quite comfortable to practise Chi Sau with Wong Sifu. However, his technique and force were crisp, precise and non-telegraphic.”
Jerry Yeung

“Back then, a lot of the time you trained by yourself, and you’d focus on a specific technique until Sifu gave you the okay to progress.”
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